Friday, July 2, 2010

Flight Agent Security Measures, Not So Lost in Denver, and Anniversary heaven

After a week’s stay visiting family in my hometown of Montreal, I dropped Livvy (10) and Justin (13) off at the airport in Montreal for their flight to Toronto, from which they would be collected and bused up to summer camp for the month. It was an emotional farewell, but Livvy resolved that since I am going to be in Vail having knee surgery and recuperating from said surgery for the month, she would do her best to have fun at camp since she can’t be with me anyway. A highly practical approach that I feel bodes well for her future. I recovered my driver’s license from the friendly Air Canada ground agent who insisted I leave it with him, as I suppose a security measure against my bolting, whilst I wait for my “Unaccompanied Minor” children’s flight to take off, and return to him once they were airborne to collect it. In the US of A when dropping off “Unaccompanied Minors” for flights, one need only give the agent one’s word of honor; a fact that when shared with my new Canadian agent friend, left him not the least bit embarrassed.

I then proceeded to check in for my own flight which today would be to Denver to meet up with David, and then a drive up to Vail. It is our 17th anniversary today, and (yes that’s right 17) am looking forward to celebrating together. After a most successful stop at the duty free shop and the purchase of some Issey Miyake body lotion and Acqua di Gio perfume, thanks to the tenacity of Hezman, the lovely Fragrance Department manager who wore a most becoming Hermes scarf over her hair and neck, a far superior alternative to a burkah in my humble opinion, although understandably not for everyone. My shopping would not have been near as enjoyable had it not been for Hezman’s her red lipsticked assistant Padma, who shpritzed and sprayed herself with absolutely every scent I showed a potential interest in, for me to whiff.

When I arrived at baggage claim in Denver, there was David with a rotund and smiling gentleman who had the slightly harried air of a professor. This turned out to be Jonathan, the driver David had hired to drive us to Vail. I must confess that I found Jonathan’s presence a little odd because we were going to rent an American made SUV and drive ourselves, but David said that he thought it would be more relaxing with a driver after my long journey. Thoughtful n’est ce pas? Jonathan loaded up our luggage and we set off for Vail, only it became readily apparent to me that our portly driver was heading in a direction decidedly away from Vail. I glanced over at David, who seemed unworried, and reasoned that this must be some sort of traffic detour. After 10 more minutes had passed, I could see the I-70 disappearing ever further into the distance and could hold my tongue no longer. I turned to David and asked in a pseudo hushed tone hoping Jonathan would not hear my lack of confidence in him, “David, do you think we’re heading the wrong way?” David looked around and then I thought I glimpsed a teeny tiny smile out of the corner of his mouth as he answered, “No, probably a short cut.”

That smile dear reader is David’s tell, it is full proof for it always lets me know when he is hiding something. I decided it was time for a more direct approach, “Dave, we aren’t going to Vail. So where exactly are you taking me?” At the precise moment I saw that the car had arrived at the gates of the Denver FOB, the private airplane airport, and that the gates were opening for us. David smiled widely and said, “Aspen.”

I love Aspen!! The car pulled up in front of our small jet and we were greeted by our pilot Doug, a retired United Airlines pilot who bears a not altogether unattractive resemblance to Captain “Sully” Sullenberger himself. Doug shook my hand warmly and wished me a Happy Anniversary and then handed me two crystal champagne flutes, and David a chilled bottle of vintage Grande Dame Veuve Clicquot champagne. I felt like one of the lucky “dates” on Patty Stenger’s Millionaire Matchmaker show, only without breast implants.

We boarded the jet and 45 minutes later were in Aspen. An oversized American made SUV pulled up alongside the aircraft upon landing and the FOB valets (I prefer to think of them as magic fairies) loaded our luggage into it lickety split. We bade Doug farewell and set off in our rental car for our hotel, the thoroughly fabulous Little Nell.

The last time David and I were here in Aspen was 9 years ago and we loved it so I was sooooo excited. A short 10 minute drive and we were checking into our magnificent suite, filled with flowers and chocolate covered strawberries and more champagne. As I described this to my 15 year old daughter later that night on the phone, Daddy did an awesome job.

We went out for a romantic anniversary dinner before hitting the blissful Egyptian cotton sheets. Tomorrow would begin with a Bikram yoga class, followed by a leisurely lunch al fresco and then 90 minute massages, most acceptable.

I hope you are having fun this July 4th weekend.

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